After a very expat Christmas in the US, we came back to Edinburgh to experience the glory that is Hogmanay for the first time.
Edinburgh: Nighttime at the Botanic Garden
As if trying to prove to us that ever-earlier darkness isn’t such a bad thing, Edinburgh’s Royal Botanic Garden is putting on a special nighttime event this month.
Spookiness at the Edinburgh Dungeon
We’ve been alternately curious and skeptical about the Edinburgh Dungeon since we moved to town, so when we were invited to check it out, we gave it a go.
Life in Edinburgh: jumping from summer to fall

August in Edinburgh was a whirlwind of activity: long days filled with festivals, tourists, and fireworks. And then September comes, and the sunsets are suddenly much earlier than they have been, and there’s a tiny, delicate whiff of fall in the air. But that’s not all that is different.
Edinburgh Fringe: Opening Weekend and 2-for-1 days

Wheeeee, this is fun! The Edinburgh Fringe officially started on Friday (although previews had been running since Wednesday), and the crowds showed up right on time. It takes significantly longer to walk across town these days, with all the tourists and flyerers in your way (I need to stop walking like a New Yorker – it only leads to frustration). It’s relatively quiet over in our corner of New Town, but the Old Town is packed to the gills.
Preview Days at the Edinburgh Fringe
Excuse us if we seem a little distracted these days. The world’s largest arts festival just rolled into town, you see, and we have been caught up in a whirlwind of entertainment.
Edinburgh: tea in the afternoon
There’s a meal that exists here that hasn’t existed in any other place we’ve lived. It occurs in the afternoon, as the name would imply. The consumption of actual tea, however, is entirely optional.
Scotland: an afternoon at Jupiter Artland
Don’t believe the rumors, kids: it’s almost always sunny in Scotland. We had yet another glorious day for our trip to Jupiter Artland.
Edinburgh: Dean Village and the Water of Leith

Edinburgh is full of surprises. One minute you’re in a bustling city center, and the next you’re wandering down a shady trail, surrounded by trees and hearing only the sounds of the nearby stream.
Edinburgh: getting ready for the Fringe
I was so looking forward to the arrival of the Fringe programs this year, I even marked it in my calendar. Yes, all of the shows (over 3,000 of them) are listed on the website, too, but for browsing purposes the paper catalog is much more fun.