Big fun in Tokyo

Japan offers endless opportunities for novelty entertainment. We were often entertained at things that weren’t specifically designed to be entertaining, like in women’s hosiery stores and while choosing beverages out of vending machines. But a lot of the entertainment is on-purpose entertainment, too. Here are just a couple of the things we tried: Pachinko. Giant, … Read more

Japan: an essay in many parts

I have so many things I want to say about Japan that I hardly know where to start or how to organize them. We had a phenomenal trip. It was so much fun to be so lost, confused, and out of touch with the world around me. It’s maddening to look at writing and not … Read more

I’m writing a what?

I know, I know – I owe you a whole lot of Japan posts and pictures. They’re coming, I promise. Along with 60,000 people (of varying degrees of sanity) around the globe, I am attempting to write a 50,000-word novel during the month of November as part of National Novel Writing Month (or NaNoWriMo for … Read more

Did you miss me?

We’re back from Japan! Check out the results of our Japanese makeovers: OK, we actually came back looking about the same as we did when we left (except for approximately an extra 5 pounds each). Japan was a blast, although completely exhausting. Can too many temple visits and too much sushi cause a hangover? Anyway, … Read more

Music in Tokyo

As of today, my new favorite band is Bump of Chicken. My love of this group is 100% based on its name alone.Coming in a close second is Japanese Rap Sta.Ever wonder what black sounds like?

Fugu me!

Our dinner tonight was so fresh, it was literally still moving. Fresh fugu on Vimeo PS – everyone survived the fugu.

Journey into the flowery chocolate jungle

How is it possible that I’ve gone this long without ever writing a post about Swiss chocolate? As we all know, Switzerland is The Land of Chocolate. Its claim to fame amongst the other Lands of Chocolate (Belgium, Germany, Holland, etc.) is that milk chocolate was invented here. Makes sense, given all the milk-producing they … Read more