blogger, expat, novelist…

I’m proud to announce that I am an official winner of NaNoWriMo 2006. That means that I wrote a 50,000 word novel entirely within the month of November. As a prize, I got this nifty ‘winner’ graphic, so of course I had to make a blog post to show it off. Before this experience, I … Read more

Crazy fun with onions. In Bern.

Today fellow blogger Jill and I headed to Bern for the Bern Onion Market (or Zibelemärit in the ridiculous local language). This is a festival that happens once a year in the Swiss capital to celebrate onions and the silly things you can do with them. From what we saw, little old ladies and men … Read more

Thanksgiving, expat-style

I’ve spent at least a half-dozen Thanksgivings outside of the US, most of which have been celebrated in one form or another in the company of other expats. There’s usually a scramble to find cranberries, or canned pumpkin, or even sweet potatoes, depending on what country we’re in. Whole turkeys are also not always easy … Read more

A toast to the Christkindli and his Markt

If there’s one thing the German-speaking world does right, it’s Christmas time. Christmas markets pop up everywhere selling lots of things you don’t need. Glühwein (hot, spiced wine) becomes available on every street corner, as do roasted chestnuts, to warm you on cold days. Twinkling little lights hang above all the shopping streets (OK, the … Read more

Mud and other Italian-style fun in Abano Terme

After spending a long weekend in Milan with Scott and our friends, I headed off alone to visit a friend in Abano Terme, a small spa town near Padua (Padova in Italian). Abano is relatively new for an Italian town, as it was mainly built up in the 50s and 60s, when having oneself wrapped in mud was the hip thing to do.

My friend happens to own one of the many spa hotels in the town, the Hotel Universal Terme. It’s a grand, old-fashioned place that makes you feel like you’ve gone back in time from the second you walk through the door (this is what the clients want, he tells me).

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Score one for Zurich…

In the great Milan v. Zurich smackdown, Milan has a lot of important victories in its corner: food, architecture, food, gelato, food, Sunday shopping, food, reasonably-priced wine and water, food… But, Zurich does take a few points hands-down, namely: cleanliness, efficiency of public transportation, and bodies of water. I offer you exhibits A and B, … Read more

My Milan

I love this city. I still can’t believe I avoided going back for a year, despite its proximity to our new home. I guess we needed some time to settle in and get on with our new life in our new country. When you have as many former homes as I do, sometimes it’s important … Read more

Aaaaaah… Italia

How in the world is it that we hadn’t been back to Italy a single time since moving away over a year ago? We have no good excuse – Milan (our former home) is a mere three hours away by train. We don’t even have to change (changing trains in Italy might be considered a … Read more

Everything you ever wanted to know about beeru…

ビール一杯ください。(If you find yourself in Japan, print the above out and point to it in case of emergency.)Our Japanese friends were kind enough to school us in the proper beer-drinking etiquette in their country while we were there. First of all, please note that the Japanese word for ‘beer’ is ‘beeru’ (pronounced bee-roo). This word … Read more