Looking for Valentine’s Day fun in Zurich?

[NOTE: This post refers to an event that occurred in 2007. It was a big success!] Dazzle your Valentine by taking him/her to the Valentine’s Day Give Your Heart Out Gala which will be held at Stall 6 in central downtown Zurich. There will be live music, dancing, drinking, eating, mingling – basically everything you could ever … Read more

Crap skiing at Flims Laax

[For those of you who haven’t been following along, we are in the midsts of the warmest and unsnowiest winter in the history of Switzerland (please note that this is just my own estimate, and that I am not a weatherman).] Not being able to hold out any longer, we finally went skiing today for … Read more

Europe has hurricanes?

How is it I’ve lived on this continent for over six years and never realized this? But apparently, that’s just what this lovely little storm has been, hitting Germany and other countries much worse than Switzerland. Here we had a night of howling winds and sideways rain. I kept a suspicious eye on the large … Read more

Do I look like a weatherman?

I have been getting more and more emails these days from readers of this blog. For the most part, I welcome these messages (which is why I choose to have my email address posted at all). I have met some interesting people and even made a good friend or two because someone reading this blog … Read more

On Ampelmänner

I meant to write about this in connection with our trip to Germany in December, but I guess it got lost in the holiday shuffle. At any rate, Ampelmänner are back on my mind, so today you’re going to learn about them (or stop reading this post – unfortunately I haven’t found a way to force you to pay attention to me yet).

The Ampelmann, simply put, was the man on the pedestrian traffic lights in East Germany. He came into existence in the 1960s in East Berlin, and lights with his likeness were soon installed all over the country. He stands out amongst other pedestrian crossing signs because of his big hat, dramatic gesturings, and all-around adorableness. The Ampelmann was so popular that he made the jump from traffic symbol to film star in the 80s, coming to animated life in road safety movies that were compulsory viewing for school children. Thus the Ampelmann became even more loved by the East German people.

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Expat Hausfraus Gone Wild

So what do we former career women/trailing spouses do all day long while the bread-winning husbands are off working hard? Yesterday was margarita afternoon at Jill‘s house. There was homemade guacamole, chips and salsa, and a heavy-handed bartender (that would be Ali).We all ooohed and aaahed over the view from Jill’s apartment. We briefly considered … Read more

Punishment, cruel and unusual

Often, it’s a good idea to watch some local television in your host country. It can help you pick up the language and its idioms. It can teach you something about the culture in which you are living, and even help you assimilate. But sometimes, you turn on the TV and are greeted with things … Read more

St. Gallen and Switzerland appreciation

This weekend we decided to get out and appreciate some Switzerland. On Saturday we hopped on a train to St. Gallen, a city in the eastern part of the country. We chose St. Gallen because 1) we had never been there, 2) we had heard it was cute, and 3) it was only an hour … Read more