I won’t claim to know enough about the issue to have an opinion I’d wish to post here, but I do want to share some photos of the anti-Kosovo-secession rally that took place at Marienplatz (the main square in the center of Munich) today. We decided to swing by and check out the rally after seeing this thread on Toytown Germany (an oddly-named website that caters to the English-speaking community in Germany). I do not recommend trying to read the thread (although there are a couple points when it made me laugh out loud).
There was a stage and speakers and a decent-sized crowd, many of who were holding signs and Serbian flags. We didn’t see any counter-protesters to speak of, but I’ve heard there was a pro-Kosovo-independence rally last weekend.
Do you know what’s up with that 3(?) finger salute /hand gesture all the protesters seem to be making?
No idea! I didn’t really notice a consistent hand gesture.