Things you hear when you tell people you’re moving to Edinburgh

Not Scotland“Scotland? Cool! Have you seen that movie Waking Ned Devine?”
(Actually, that’s Irish.)

“But it’s so cold there!”
(Winters are a lot milder in Edinburgh than in Munich. We see that as a downside – we like snow.)

“Why would you want to do that?”
(This one comes mainly from Scottish people who live outside of Scotland.)

“Are you going to learn that kind of dancing where they only move their legs?”
(That’s Irish, too.)

“Do you like whisky?”
(Yes, very much. Can’t wait to visit Islay.)

“Have you found a place to live yet?”
(Who finds an apartment six months before they move?)

“You’re going to have a hard time understanding people – they don’t really speak English there.”
(Yes, they do.)

“They’re going to make you eat haggis.”
(They already have.)

“Are you going to take up golf?”

“Sweet! I love the Corrs.”
(Yep, Irish.)

“Is Scott going to get a kilt?”

Any other questions?

10 thoughts on “Things you hear when you tell people you’re moving to Edinburgh”

  1. Oh, my! I’m sad, was just getting to know you, but what an exciting adventure! I hope to visit Scotland one day. It just looks so gorgeous in pictures – and the Scottish accent is the best one in the UK if you ask me!

  2. How exciting! Edinburgh is fantastic, I absoultely love it. B’s living in Glasgow till Christmas and I’m really envious. So, is this the natural progression? We’re all gradually going to start moving to Scotland?! 😉

  3. Wow, cool! Germany will miss you guys for sure, but Edinburgh is such a cool place! Good luck with all your preparations in the meantime.

  4. Everyone to Scotland! With global warming and all, it will soon be the only place in Europe with a desirable climate. 🙂

  5. Awesome! Scotland is beautiful. I cannae wait to see your first paintings of kilt-clad men ceilidh dancing. Landscapes there are gorgeous too – I think I could photograph there for ages without getting bored.

  6. As a matter of fact, “Waking Ned” was shot on the Isle of Man, but the plot says it’s Irish…

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