…carved by gummi artisans who work exclusively in the medium of gummi*

Dearest Headbang8,

While I truly appreciate your generous gift, what in the world am I going to do with 150 gummi smurfs? I don’t think these are the kind you can make into gelato.



* Can anyone name that quote?

13 thoughts on “…carved by gummi artisans who work exclusively in the medium of gummi*”

  1. “That is the rarest gummi of them all, the gummi Venus de Milo,carved by gummi artisans who were exclusively in the medium of gummi.”
    The Simpsons
    Homer Bad Man
    Original airdate 27-Nov-94

  2. It is one of the best episodes ever! I even managed to work clips from it into a presentation on media manipulation when I was in college. 🙂

    Kathybou, now you have me curious as to what blue tastes like. I might have to give them a try after all…

  3. What are you “supposed to do” with them?

    You are supposed to use the moment as a comic opportunity. You are supposed to rail against the cruelty and injustice of eating these innocent creatures, as you had before. You are supposed to refuse to kiss Scott after he eats one, on the grounds of Meat Breath. You are supposed to deftly include a joke about Frukputer.

    At least they are free range Smurfs. Which reminds me of my cousin and her op-shop fur coat. She maintains the mink died of a heart attack.

  4. Hello! In honor of this, I wanted to post a photo of me from this past Halloween, but, alas, I am unable. So I will just have to say: I dressed as Smurfette – blue face paint, blonde wig…

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