24 thoughts on “I knew the Germans could be cruel, but still…”

  1. Can you please tell me the name of the shop and the address?
    Alas, this particular Smurf butcher was out in Holzkirchen (outside of Munich). I’ll keep my eye out for one in the city itself…

    How does that taste?
    Um, smurfy?

  2. Must…not…make… joke…about…blue…tongue… and…oral…sex…with…smurfs…

    But hell, some of those little guys are HAWT. You just want to lick them.

  3. Smurf ice cream is usually just vanilla with blue dye. Yeah, I was disappointed when I found out 🙁

  4. Headbang – I was always under the impression that Smurfs weren’t exactly well-equipped, you know, ‘down there’. I mean, look at how smoothly their little white pants fit…

    anon – that is disappointing indeed! Still, I think I’m going to have to give it a try sooner or later…

  5. I saw Smurf ice cream in Italy once too, it was called “Puffo” (the Italian name for Smurfs)/

  6. “Himmelblau” doesn’t even mean Smurf… Apparently, it’s “sky blue”.

    Now, if they had actually put “Smurf” on there, I’d be laughing.

  7. I am from Germany and that taste (Himmelblau = Sky blue) is actually very common. I have however never seen it connected to Smurfs.

  8. i tried it when i was a little boy
    and we called it smurf ice, just because of the colour. The taste i dont remember, but you get a blue tongue 🙂

    they have it in various places, its pretty common in germany

  9. they have it in Bermuda too;
    I used to eat it all the time. It is just vanilla ice cream dyed blue, but it has mini marshmallows in it =]

  10. Well, it looks like it was more profitable for Gargamel to turn the smurfs into s food substance than to turn them into gold.

  11. you find this sort of icecream all over here. am not shure if it´s allways advertised as “smurf”-ice. tastes like a mix of chewinggum and toothpaste!

  12. “Probably a German, after visiting America, came up with that idea…. 😉

    Why after visiting America? Smurfs aren’t American.

  13. Dude i used to live in Italy and they had this at a few places. It taste hella fucking good.

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