
I think I’ve finally done it: I’ve gotten “grüezi” out of my system. After merely a week, I’m able to walk into a shop in Munich and not automatically blurt out the Swiss greeting. It’s actually not too hard here, since the standard greeting in Bavaria is “Gruβ Gott!”, which starts out a bit like “grüezi” anyway, making it possible to start out with one and then make a save half-way through and change it to the other without sounding like too much of a confused loser. OK, that last part may or may not be true – for all I know I sound like a confused loser all the time here. At least the Bavarians are nice about it. 🙂

I’ve also managed to break the Swiss habit of saying “merci” instead of “danke”, although I admit to letting an “en guete” pass my lips once or twice this week. Now as long as I can remember to say “Fahrrad” instead of “Velo” and “Schokolade” instead of “Schoggi”, I should be all set.

8 thoughts on “Degrüezification”

  1. You seem to be doing very well. Munich is certainly one place I’d love to live in Germany.

    Funny, I always have trouble shaking off the “Trämmli” instead of Strassenbahn when I’m in Germany.

  2. Yes, it sounds like you’re adjusting well 🙂

    Question is, does the degrüezification come with decorations and furniture? or are you still having to depend on air mattresses? Ah, the joys of moving 🙂

  3. Yes, Strassenbahn is another word I’ll have to work back into my vocabulary… yikes, I wonder what others I’m forgetting about…

    R2R – Luckily our belongings arrived last week (including my bed, which I missed dearly). Our apartment is still far from normal, but it’s getting there slowly. 🙂

  4. very nice description of the transition. Good luck with the transition from one crazy German dialect to another crazy German dialect! Although I’m not sure if Ruhrpot German is real German either.

  5. Gruß Gott beats moin moin, so be grateful (for alot of other reasons) that you’re not in Schleswig Holstein. I am enjoying perusing your blog, Jul. I went from HH to Italy and now am in Italy with a tiny second place in ZU for my husband’s job. Find myself nodding alot while reading your words.

    Viel Glück und genieß die Tage. oh yeah, and wieder – looken.

  6. I used to live in Zurich too (between 1996 and 1999, then Bern between 2002 and 2005)), now Munich and I know exactly some of those feelings of confusion you have noted. But Munich is not a bad place to be, so good luck!

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