Who knew?

Since I wrote this post a mere month ago, “peeing” has become one of the 20 most frequently-used search terms for finding this blog. Usually it’s in a combination of search terms, such as “peeing often after drinking”, “peeing art”, or the ever-popular “Japanese peeing”.

Now I’m not some naïve farm girl or anything… I’ve seen Avenue Q and know perfectly well what the internet is for. But peeing? Peeing? Come on, people, you can do better than that.


And yes, I realize that by posting this, I’m going to be getting a whole lot more “peeing” hits in the near future. For those of you who came here for that particular bodily function, I offer you this:


9 thoughts on “Who knew?”

  1. Peeing! Mine is cameltoe. It’s unreal. I posted about it ONCE and not even more than a passing reference! I feel like I’m editing the Cameltoe Bible for as many hits I’m getting from that one effing word.

    (Loving that you joined Indie Bloggers, by the way!)


  2. Isn’t it funny what terms bring people to your blog? Sometimes it’s rather scary and you just want to say, “Move along now; there’s nothing here that would interest you!”

  3. Laughing my ass off at cameltoe and asian piss. Glad to hear I’m not the only one with this problem. 🙂

    I wonder if the guy (or gal) who just came here for “peeing American” got what s/he was hoping for…

  4. i must not write about enough peeing, i only get boring searches.

    but searching for pee is what made me find your blog in the first place *smirk*

  5. “Peeing” is much more interesting than how people find my blog. The number one way (overwhelmingly) that people find my blog is by searching “sauna etiquette”. I’m telling you, there are A LOT of people out there who are concerned about the proper way to behave in a sauna.

    Ummm…take your clothes off, sit on the bench, and sweat. How hard is that?

  6. TBF, that reminds me of a question I would get asked surprisingly often when I lived in Germany: “Is it true that Americans wear BATHING SUITS in the sauna?” Maybe those searches are from Germans planning for their US sauna vacations….

    Back in May, I had a brief spurt of hits involving variations of “hot gay guys” because of this post – I’m thinking those searchers didn’t find what they were after, either.

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