Frogs: stuffed, posed, and accessorized

Last Sunday we drove with some friends from Geneva to Estavayer-le-Lac, a small town in the French-speaking part of Switzerland. This journey was motivated by my friend Alison’s and my burning desire to see a bunch of dead frogs that had been lovingly gutted (through the mouth), stuffed with sand, and posed in scenes from everyday 19th-century (human) life. For some unknown reason our husbands were less enthusiastic about the trip, although once they saw the Frog Museum in person, their hearts were completely won over.

The man who did this to these frogs is officially on my list of dead people I wish I could meet.

Also, apparently squirrel riding was a popular 19th-century activity.

3 thoughts on “Frogs: stuffed, posed, and accessorized”

  1. I can’t believe no one has commented on these frogs!! What kind of person pays money to see something like that? oh wait, that would be me… 🙂 A in G

  2. Seeing these frogs has enriched my life! This is a museum that deserves to be more widely known.


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